Is My Northeast Texas Home At Risk For Termites?

termite on wood

What Attracts Termites?

Termites can live anywhere in the United States, but they are especially prevalent in the south. The high humidity that can come with heat in northeast Texas attracts termites. Subterranean termites live underground, and they travel to find food during the day. Drywood termites can live inside of the wooden tunnels they create and will eat harder woods than subterranean termites.

All termites are attracted to wood. They will often first come to your property because of natural wood, such as trees, debris, woodpiles, and logs. If you have mulch near your house, that will attract termites as well. Often one of the biggest draws is wet or damaged wood. A leaky pipe or other water damage is a quick way to call termites into your house for easy feeding. Once inside, they will spread and discover more wood to eat.

Identifying Termites

Termites are small pests, and they often eat wood that is in your yard, and they could be infesting your property for months before you notice. There are some signs to look out for, though. During the spring and summer termites will send out swarmers, who look for partners and scout locations for a new nest. If you see any of these swarmer termites, or wings left behind on windowsills, you may be at risk for a termite infestation.

Later, as termites cause more damage, you will begin to see signs around the house. If any walls sound hollow, it could be from termites. They may also cause the walls to bubble outward or the ceiling to sag. You may even notice that doors and windows are hard to open, which could be a sign that termites have damaged the wood around them.

Finally, you may also be able to identify a termite problem by finding their tunnels. Sometimes you will find a mud tube running up your foundation. This is the pathway where termites travel between your house and their nest. You may also see sawdust-like material coming from your walls, which might be the leftover bits of wood created from their tunnels.

Termite Solutions

If you notice any of these signs around your house, you may have termites. The sooner you catch them, the sooner you can eliminate them, and the less damage they can cause. If left unattended, termites can cause irreversible damage to the inner structures of your home. Your best bet is to prevent termites before they have a chance to infest.

Pest-Pro Services can prevent termite infestations through baiting systems that will lure them away from your home. If you already have a termite problem, Pest-Pro Services can help you eliminate them. We first inspect your house to find the sources attracting them as well as their points of entry. We then create a custom treatment plan and work safely and efficiently to save your home and eliminate termites once and for all.